I could take this in 50 different directions but here we go.......
You can hit the google search engine and find hundreds, probably thousands of websites devoted to the evils of the corporate giant Wal Mart. From huge sites that post hate mail from virtually thousands of people with horror stories of what Wal Mart did to their communities to small sites created by former disgruntled employees. So why do I insist on bringing them up here?
Because I can, and one more blog shouting about the evils of the United States' largest employer can't be wrong, can it? Maybe it will get a few folks googling them and seeing for themselves how much one company is responsible for a lot of the ills in the world. If not solely responsible then at least a BIG contributor.
A lot of people ask me why I beat up on the corporate whore so much, and I guess my best retort would have to be "Because they make it so easy".
I hate WalMart on many levels. Two of my good friends got jobs there (against my advise) and got screwed over in so many ways, from being denied days off when they asked weeks in advance to being dicked out of raises for reasons that were either ridiculous, untrue or both. And constantly lied to.
I hate them for what they've done to the job market. They have created a system where the middle class is shrinking at a rate faster than anytime in history except for maybe the "Great Depression" . By doing this they create a situation where more and more people have to shop from them. But it doesn't end there.
They sell everything low which on the surface seems great, but they don't do this innocently. They are the biggest buyer of goods in the world, so if they don't buy from a certain company they can effectively cause that company serious if not fatal blows. If that isn't bad enough they can basically dictate the prices they pay for the items they sell in their stores. This in turn lowers the profit margin for the companies they buy from who in turn have to cut their costs. Guess what usually gets cut. That's right, salaries. And not CEO and other high level executive salaries. It's middle class workers, barely surviving as it is, who see their hours cut, wages cut or both. And WalMart will be happy to come and show you how how to get the work of 10 people out of 5. They are masters of doing it. And let's not even mention lay offs which are usually inevitable.
Wait, let's mention those because they lead to another of the complaints I have against the Almighty Goliath. The tax burdens they lay on the states they worm their way into. From the day they move in, they create burdens on all tax payers of whatever state their are in. From WalMart's own personal tax reliefs states and cities gladly give when they move in (that often never get made up because WalMart will spend millions to move a mile down the road to get out of paying any taxes) to the tax burdens they cause the counties they move into in welfare costs for it's employees that can neither afford health care or ever become eligible due to WalMart's shifty & shady ways of conducting it's business almost constantly. And although you can argue that taxes are paid heavily by the rich of the world, my question is this: Weather it's fair or unfair, who can afford to pay taxes easier in the world, a multi-millionaire paying 44 percent taxes on 20 million a year or a family of 5 or 6 paying 22 to 30 percent a year on 40 thousand (if they are lucky). Either way, and whatever you answer to the question, it's just not fair that a company making the kind of profits yearly that WalMart makes should be causing ANY tax burden on ANYONE other than themselves!!!!
I think what astounds me the most about WalMart is, with all the negative press they get, with all the horror stories (there is even a movie out about their shady practices which I highly recommend even though it's a bit biased like a Michael Moore movie), with all the websites decrying this bastard of society which is slowly contributing to a major depression coming soon to a nation near you.....................
Their parking lots are always full.
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