Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why I feel the need to spew on about things.

Well, as I said last post, because I can, and because as a single human being, there's not much else I can do. Believe it or not, these writings are very therapeutic for me. I really don't care if they are read, but if they are, I hope they get people to think. I know it's cliche to say this, but if I get one person thinking, then haven't I accomplished something? Do I have to share music to get people to take a look at this blog? So far, no, but who knows in the future.

I have searched through phone books, the net, called various people who were supposedly "in the know" because I don't want to just sit on my ass in front of this computer, rant, and do nothing more. But finding a cause worthy of what little time I have to donate to it is proving harder than I expected it to be. Are there any groups out there that are devoted to trying to end global corporate takeovers? I can't find them. Is anyone trying to do anything about the seemingly endless influx of illegal immigrants into this country? No, but I heard yesterday New Haven (Mexico's new haven!!) Conn. is now going issue them identification so they can open bank accounts and get drivers licenses. I am eager to see how that turns out. Run to your New Haven all you illegal aliens!!!

Why has this country turned into a bunch of pacifists? Why is there no public outcry about this, and a million other issues that need some serious attention. When there are citizens of this countrywho are poverty stricken and homeless, there should be a battlecry from depths of hell about letting more fucking people in this country. Until our people's own needs are met, why is this country out helping everyone else?
Blah, blah, blah, and fuck it. I could go on until I'm blue in the face, and it wouldn't do a goddamn bit of good.
Folks quit walking around with your eyes closed.

On another topic:

I had a sad conversation with an older African American gentlemen yesterday. He was looking for a street in the area to go apply for a job. We were very busy so I handed him a street map and he spent about 10 minutes looking through it. As the store got a bit lighter in traffic, I watched him, and it hit me, that the man couldn't read. I walked over to where he was standing and tried to help him find the street he was looking for and we began to talk about the lack of jobs. He mentioned it was very tough for him, as he had gotten laid off, and nobody wanted to take a chance on a 54 year old man, but he had been working and helping to support his family since his father died (the man I was speaking to was 13 when his father died). He refused to have any part of welfare, as he had never taken any in his life. He was a proud guy, and looking at his stature, I betting he could work rings around guys half his age. He said he didn't care what job he got as long as it was good honest work.

We never did find the street he was looking for, he said he got it over the phone, and he would try to call them and get better directions, but I hope he found it and got the job. The world needs more people like him.

And a bit of good news:

The Ohio minimum wage has been upped 1.50. Mama can go buy a new pair of shoes!! Ohio lawmakers, no doubt inspired by the Drowning in a Sea of Madness blog, got off their dead sorry asses and made a move that helps the little guy for a change. They put aside their rare coin scams, and their "let's see how fucking rich we can get in a week" campaigns and did it!! Kudos to you Gov'na Brown! You da man!!! WalMart contemplates a move out of the state, and the people shout, Hurrah! Now we're only 60% below poverty level!



Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this site,and,good for that guy who was trying to find work. In this day and age that can be a real struggle.I have known people who have worked the system and not worked for years and years.I suppose they have their reasons. I know of another close friend who had a good paying job he recently lost,worked there for 29 years. He is 49 years old,moved back home,just lost.The way I see it,the only way to get somewhere is to work,if,you can find work. Even then that can be a sruggle in its self,all the B.S. you have to put up with SOMETIMES.There is alot of people out there who are really hurt'in homeless,food banks,or,have to visit churches to get a meal etc. Some say," I wish I had an apartment or a phone". The sad thing is this situation is world wide. Like I said,I really enjoy your site,and,the guy who was seeking work,really moved me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time of thinking before I'm reacting. I don't believe in individualism; not as person nor as nation.
I believe in solidarity. I myself have worked for about 17 years without losing my job. I felt proud of contributing to others who didn't were that lucky. A while ago I lost my job to. Now others were contributing for me. And I was glad that there were others who were contributing for me. Nowadays I'll have an other job and again I'm contributing for those without a job. And I'm proud of it. I know there are some people who are benefiting from the system who don't deserve it. But what would happen to the people who really need some help and really deserve to be helped if the system would be given up?
I strongly believe in solidarity between those who have a job and those who don't, between those who can still work and those who can't, between those who are very intellectual and those who are not so intellectual, between those who can earn lots of money and those who can't.
Even among nations there should be a kind of solidarity. Otherwise live on this planet will become a struggle to survive. And maybe it's allready a struggle to survive.
We have access to internet while millions of people don't even have access to clean water.
There's a device 'Make Poverty History'. Maybe it's utopian. But is it really so?
What's worth living for?


Anonymous said...

The reason you don't hear about it is because the corporation$ who OWN the media have a long-range plan to
vanquish America's key freedoms by seeding poverty--and that includes allowing, promoting and outright campaigning for unchecked immigration...and outsourcing...and selling our souls to China. If we're all working for 2 and a half per hour then we're completely conquered. Don't believe me?--wait five or six years.

Farmer Allan said...

Hey, how come you stopped posting to this blog?

I was looking forward to it when I read about it on your music site!

You express very well some ideas that need to be experessed very well and very often!!

Hope you take it up again!

Anonymous said...

TIME TRAVELLER: I love your blog3. I really need help. I have 60,000 mp3's. Microsoft Media Player cant handle it. I'm looking for the best jukebox software avaialable with album cover images and genres ability. Any idea anyone? halrom at excite dot com